Bear Requirements
The Bear Adventures and Requirements
1. Complete each of the following Bear required adventures with your den or family:
a. Bear Claws
b. Bear Necessities
c. Fellowship and Duty to God
d. Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
e. Grin and Bear It
f. Paws for Action
2. Complete one Bear elective adventure of your den or family’s choosing.
3. With your parent or adult partner, complete the exercises in the pamphlet
How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide, and earn the Cyber Chip award for your
*If your family does not have Internet access at home AND you do not have ready Internet access at
school or another public place or via a mobile.
Bear Adventure: Bear Claws
1. Learn about three common designs of pocketknives.
2. Learn knife safety and earn your Whittling Chip.
3. Using a pocketknife, carve two items.
Bear Adventure: Bear Necessities
1. While working on your Bear badge, camp overnight with your pack. If your chartered
organization does not permit Cub Scout camping, you may substitute a family
campout or a daylong outdoor activity with your den or pack.
2. Attend a campfire show, and participate by performing a song or skit with your den.
3. Make a list of items you should take along on your campout.
4. Make a list of equipment that the group should bring along in addition to each Scout’s personal
5. With your den, plan a cooked lunch or dinner that is nutritious and balanced. Make a shopping
list, and help shop for the food. On a campout or at another outdoor event, help cook the meal
and help clean up afterward.
6. Help your leader or another adult cook a different meal from the one you helped prepare for
requirement 5. Cook this meal outdoors.
7. Help set up a tent. Pick a good spot for the tent, and explain to your den leader why you
picked it.
8. Demonstrate how to tie two half hitches. Explain what they are used for.
9. Learn how to read a thermometer and a barometer. Keep track of the temperature and
barometric pressure readings and the actual weather at the same time every day for seven days.
Bear Adventure: Fellowship and Duty to God
Do either requirement 1 OR requirement 2.
1. Earn the religious emblem of your faith.
2. Complete 2a and at least two of requirements 2b–2d.
a. Working with a parent or guardian, spiritual advisor, or religious leader,
provide service to help a place of worship or spiritual community, school, community
organization, or chartered organization that puts into practice your ideals of duty to God
and strengthens your fellowship with others.
b. Identify a person whose faith and duty to God you admire, and discuss with your family.
c. Make a list of things you can do to practice your duty to God as you are taught in your
home or place of worship or spiritual community. Select two of the items, and practice
them for two weeks.
d. Attend a religious service, den or pack meeting worship service, or time of family
reflection and discussion about your family’s beliefs.
Bear Adventure: Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
1. While hiking or walking for one mile, identify six signs that any animals, birds,
insects, reptiles, or plants are living nearby the place where you choose to hike.
2. Name one animal that has become extinct in the last 100 years and one animal
that is currently endangered. Explain what caused their declines.
3. Visit one of the following: zoo, wildlife refuge, nature center, aviary, game preserve, local
conservation area, wildlife rescue group, or fish hatchery. Describe what you learned during
your visit.
4. Observe wildlife from a distance. Describe what you saw.
5. Use a magnifying glass to examine plants more closely. Describe what you saw through the
magnifying glass that you could not see without it.
6. Learn about composting and how vegetable waste can be turned into fertilizer for plants.
7. Plant a vegetable or herb garden.
Bear Adventure: Grin and Bear It
1. Play a challenge game or initiative game with the members of your den. Take part
in a reflection after the game.
2. Working with the members of your den, organize a Cub Scout carnival and lead it at
a special event.
3. Help younger Cub Scouts take part in one of the events at the Cub Scout carnival.
4. After the Cub Scout carnival, discuss with the members of your den and your den leader what
went well, what could be done better, and how everyone worked together to make the event a
5. Make and present an award to one of the adults who helped you organize the activities at the
Cub Scout carnival.
Bear Adventure: Paws for Action
1. Do the following:
a. Find out about two famous Americans. Share what you learned.
b. Find out where places of historical interest are located in or near your
community, town, or city. Go and visit one of them with your family or den.
c. Learn about our flag. Display it at home for one month. Say the Pledge of Allegiance and
learn its meaning.
2. Do the following:
a. Visit a local sheriff’s office or police station, or talk with a law enforcement officer
visiting your den. During the visit, take turns with your den members asking questions
that will help you learn how to stay safe.
b. During or after your visit with a law enforcement officer, do at least two of the
i. Practice one way police gather evidence by taking fingerprints, taking a shoe
print, or taking tire track casts.
ii. Make a list of emergency numbers to post in your home, and keep a copy with
you in your backpack or wallet.
iii. With your family, develop a plan to follow in case of an emergency, and practice
the plan at least three times. Your family can determine the emergency, or you
can develop several plans.
iv. Discuss with your parent or another adult you trust any worries you have about
your safety or a friend’s safety.
v. If you have younger brothers and sisters, make sure they know how to call for
help in an emergency.
3. Do the following:
a. Learn about the energy your family uses and how you can help your family decrease its
energy use.
b. Do a cleanup project that benefits your community.